The 23rd edition of the DRAKKAR Workshop will be held on site in Grenoble, France, from 27 to 29 Janunary 2025. The event can be followed online here  without registration: Registered participants can participate through Zoom. 

Submitted abstracts may concern the use of the NEMO numerical model to characterize and understand the observed ocean/sea-ice variability in relation with the other components of the climate system, to prepare spatial and in-situ observation systems and valorize the synergies between such observations and model simulations. Contributions may also concern the sensitivity of model results to parametric and physical choices, and the potential of recent or emerging methods and tools for the accurate simulation and analysis of the oceanic variability.

The deadline for registration and abstract submission is December 27th 2024. Thanks for anticipating.


Thierry Penduff (IGE), Julien Le Sommer (IGE), Carolina Dufour (LOPS), Anne Marie Treguier (LOPS), Arne Biastoch (GEOMAR), Joel Hirschi (NOCS), Romain Bourdallé-Badie (MOI), Paul Myers (Univ. Alberta), Sébastien Masson (LOCEAN), Dave Storkey (UK MetOffice), Laurent Debreu (INRIA). 


Josiane Brasseur, Thierry Penduff, Julien Le Sommer, Laurent Debreu

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