Scientific Programme
This tab provides preliminary descriptions of (1) the programme of the workshop, and of (2) the morning sessions. The titles and abstracts of keynote talks will be added soon. (1) PROGRAMME ON-SITE ONLY : Onsite activities, Poster sessions (gray and blue). And dinner of course ;) ON-SITE SESSIONS WITH VIDEO ACCESS : All other sessions
(2) MORNING SESSIONS (to be complemented)
ON-SITE ACTIVITY : Demo of viewer and data download toolbox of Copernicus Marine The proposed demonstration of Copernicus Marine tools is split in 2 parts. A first one dedicated to the visualization of the data and a second to the data access. i) Copernicus Marine offers a variety of ocean visualization tools that allow visitors at all different user levels to dive into our digital oceans and explore. Three tools are proposed for: beginner, intermediate and advanced users. During this demo, the advanced users’ tools will be presented (Explore MyOcean Pro). The main objective of this viewer is to let users exploring the Copernicus Marine products available in the Data Store, by displaying the data on a map in 4 dimensions (longitude, latitude, depth and time). ii) The Copernicus Marine Toolbox is a free tool that interoperates with the Copernicus Marine Data Store intending to cover any use case, from retrieval of metadata to a complete dataset, or just a subset, for any type of product: numerical models, satellite and/or in situ observations. Prerequisites before the demo: Required: registration as a Copernicus Marine user (https://data.marine.copernicus.eu/register) Strongly recommended: installation of the toolbox package (https://help.marine.copernicus.eu/en/articles/7970514-copernicus-marine-toolbox-installation)
PLENARY DISCUSSION: Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) consist in producing synthetic observations using a numerical model and processing these data for various applications. These applications include, but are not restricted to, the evaluation/optimization of simulations and forecasts, the design/optimization of observational systems, or the interpretation of observational signals. OSSEs are becoming increasingly popular in the oceanographic community and their applications are broadening. This session will propose a quick introduction (15 minutes) of OSSEs followed by a plenary discussion (30 minutes) on potential future developments and applications of OSSEs in the oceanographic community. This introduction will feature three examples of OSSE applications by Pierre Brasseur, Louise Rousselet and Thierry Penduff.
ON-SITE ACTIVITY : Demo of use of SWOT data (L3/L4)
PLENARY DISCUSSION: NEMO5 code and 2025 workplan In this session, representatives of the NEMO System Team and the NEMO Developer Committee will provide an overview of the main achievements of 2024 and outline plans for the coming year, followed by an open discussion: - NEMO 5 Release Highlights: NEMO 5 and its documentation have been officially released! Alongside various physics improvements, such as the Geometric parameterization for unresolved eddies, NEMO v5.0 delivers significant performance enhancements, enabling configurations to run faster and more cost-effectively than previous versions. It also marks the first steps toward compatibility with hybrid CPU-GPU computing through the integration of PSyclone source-code processing into the build system.
- 2025 Workplan Highlights: Each January, the System Team members and the leaders of each NEMO working groups (HPC, Sea Ice, Kernel, Top, etc.) collaboratively design the work plan for the year. This session will present the key priorities and planned actions for 2025.
- Open Q&A: This session offers an opportunity for users to interact with members of the System Team, ask questions, and share feedbacks.
ON-SITE ACTIVITY : Presentation and demo of Oceananigans PLENARY DISCUSSION: Semi-automated calibration/tuning of ocean model parameters
(3) KEYNOTE SPEAKERS AND TALKS Three keynote speakers will present their recent work during the workshop. List and abstracts to come.
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